How to Clean a Dab Rig at Home with Easy Steps
Updated: Mar 9, 2022
Since dab use has become the most popular method to enjoy highly-concentrated CBD and full-concentrated cannabis oil, a dab rig or an oil rig is a must-have for cannabis use. Instead of CBD vaping, dabbing with a glass or silicone dab rig is the most popular and the best way for cannabis consumption in 2022.
The functionality is similar to the water bongs, but it is not a bong. Instead, a dab rig is smaller and offers less drag; thus, its vapors travel instantly into the lungs and deliver a powerful high.
It was a summary of dab rigs, authentic vapors, and easy to use. But what about their cleaning methods, and why is it necessary to routinely clean them? After reading this post, you will know the easy steps to clean a dab rig at your home.

Why You Should Clean Your Dab Rig?
Smoking your favorite fresh flower and concentrates can be all fun, but when residues begin to develop, the rips eventually become less flavorful and harsh. Plus, the repeated use of dab rigs causes reclaim and carbon buildup that can potentially harm your health.
Moreover, since an oil rig filters out your concentrated vapor via water, that stagnant water can become fungi and bacteria's habitation. Plus, other microorganisms and yeasts also join their fellow pathogens.
What's more, a biofilm may develop on top, which indicates that it is time to change the dab rig's water. Unfortunately, this biofilm is composed of some of the nastiest pathogens that can cause serious illness.
Of course, you do not want to inhale or ingest these microbes!
Therefore, to avoid inhaling carcinogenic and unwanted materials or substances, it is necessary to clean your glass piece regularly.
How to Clean a Dab Rig with Effective Solutions?
It is better to clean your smoking accessory regularly to make your cleaning task less tedious. In this way, your glass piece will be buildup-free to enjoy the smooth, potent, and flavorful rips.
Several products claim that they will leave your glass piece spotless and pristine. However, you don't need any fancy products to keep your smoking accessory in shape.
The cleaning supplies that we are mentioning below are probably lying around in your house somewhere. Gather them to make your dab rigs squeaky-clean and dirt-free.
What Items Do You Need to Clean Dab Rig?
These are the following ingredients and materials you will require.
Note: Things will get messy; therefore, collect all these items in one place before you begin cleaning.
● Sink or another large area with a facet attached
● Isopropyl Alcohol (99%)
● Epsom salt (if not available use coarse salt as an alternative)
● Zip-loc bags
● Paper towels
● Q-tips
Basic Method to Clean: Use Water to Clean
Dump the water out from the dab rig that you used in your last smoking session.
Make sure to disassemble all the big removable pieces from the rig for effective cleaning.
Use tap water to wash out all the possible residue, resin, and other gunk.
You can also use hot water or place your glass pieces over the pot with steam vents. This will help lose all that stubborn gunk.
Though your smoking device has been through patient selection and it comes with premium quality. You should still be very careful when handling heat and glass. If you are using hot water to clean a dab rig or a bong, make sure to boil it first, remove the pot from heat, and let it cool for around a minute.
Furthermore, since you will be shaking the hot water vigorously in your rig, make sure to cover the spaces, i.e., mouthpiece and the area where the nail fits.
Plus, pour the water swiftly once you are done shaking because the oil is usually sitting at the top. Slow pouring will cause the oil to sink at the bottom, and you will have to repeat the process.
Intermediate Method for Dab Rig Renewal: Use Alcohol Solution for Deep Cleaning
Still, more gunk left in dab rig? No problem, we have got you covered!
● After achieving initial cleanliness, grab your salt and alcohol to remove all that extremely stubborn residue.
● Use your sound judgment to fill your rig's main chamber with salt and alcohol. Fill your rubbing alcohol up to its waterline.
● Next, cover the openings like downstem, mouthpiece, or carb with a cork or alternative stopper.
● Wait! Don't put your supplies away right now. Take a zip-lock bag and fill alcohol and salt with a 2:1 ratio. Submerge all the removable glass pieces such as bowls, slides, bangers, caps, carb, and dab nails.
Ensure that the isopropyl alcohol (ISO or rubbing alcohol) you are using is above 90%. Not to mention, the combination of ISO and Epsom salt does the trick pretty efficiently.
Shake it off! Shake it off! Shake the dab rig!
● Now shake your dab rig and the submerged pieces vigorously. The salt will break the resin down, while the alcohol will dissolve all that stickiness.
● If you still find some gunk attached, let the alcohol and Epsom salt solution sit for a few hours before shaking it again.
● Moreover, use your Q-tips to scrub the remaining residue.
Advanced Method to Clean Dab Rig: Heat Your Isopropyl Alcohol
If the above two methods fail to remove the unflinching reclaim buildup, it is time to heat your isopropyl alcohol lightly and apply in your dab rig.
● Overheating may cause your alcohol to explode mildly. Therefore, take your four fluid ounces of rubbing alcohol and microwave it for no more than fifteen seconds.
● Pour this mildly hot alcohol into your glass piece and shake after covering its spaces.
● If you still find a thick coating of reclaim, add some Epsom salt into the warm alcohol.
● Rinse your dab rig out by using this method twice, and this time it will leave your smoking accessory sparkling almost like brand-spanking new.
● Lastly, rinse again with cold water to remove the traces of alcohol.
Wrapping Up
That's it! These are the effortless methods you can use to remove all the dirt and gunk from your dab rigs. A clean glass piece will create a huge impact on your smoking sessions' quality.
Furthermore, its regular maintenance offers high-quality and optimum performance. Change the dab rig's water often, swish the hot water around, and use the cotton swab to clean the residues after every dabbing session.
Performing these cleaning procedures after every enjoyable session will minimize the need for deep cleaning. In short, whether you are ripping dabs alone or inviting friends over, make sure to use a clean dab rig. And another good piece of advice is to use a wax pen that is portable and simple to use.